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Fire Safety
Fire is one disaster that can wipe out your entire business in a matter of minutes. From defective wiring to machine malfunctions, the threat of fire exists in every room of your business. Apart from being a life-threatening danger, fire causes irreversible damage to company records, inventory and property. A reliable fire alarm system allows for early detection of smoke and fire, aiding a quick evacuation. Carolina Alarm’s fire systems are affordable, dependable, and comply with today’s strict fire codes. Our complete fire alarm systems range from manual pull stations to automated systems. Horns and strobe lights alert occupants to evacuate the building, while our central monitoring station is signaled to dispatch the nearest fire station. When the building is unoccupied, the system’s smoke and heat detectors, along with sprinkler system sensors, protect the building from fire and water damage. Carolina Alarm has a full line of commercial fire alarm systems that will meet your growing business needs.

Fire Detection Systems Include:
Smoke and Heat Detection
HVAC/Duct Smoke Detection
Poisonous Gas Detection
Sprinkler and Water Flow Systems
Horns and Strobes
Manual Pull Stations
24 Hour Monitoring
Engineered Drawing Services
NFPA 72 Certification

Door Access Systems
A door access system is invaluable to your company for many reasons. It allows you to monitor who is in the building and what time they walked in or out and effectively keeps anyone who does not belong in the building outside. These systems come in a variety of models and offer various options, such as door intercom systems. They can be operated by using a keypad or using proximity access cards. Carolina Alarm Inc. is proud to be associated with ZKAccess an IP based access control system that is ideal for small to large sized commercial buildings. The easy to install system features a browser based interface that does not require specialized training, additional software or licensing. Plus a iPad companion APP. enables the end user the ability to monitor activity and perform basic administrative tasks, such as adding or deleting users.

Pool Access Systems
Do you need more control over your pool or clubhouse access? Carolina Alarm Inc. installs card reader access systems on pool and clubhouse gates. With an access control system you can determine who is allowed to enter, where they are allowed to enter and during what time frames they are allowed to enter. When access is granted the gate is unlocked and the transaction is recorded. When the access is refused, the gate remains locked and the attempted access is recorded. Contact us today for an estimate on your gate access control system.
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